//Forever Imperfect
First day exam .

23 Oct 2013 @ Wednesday, October 23, 2013 | 0 Comment [s]


Best announcement ever .
Okay tadi jawab BM paper 2 jawab dengan confident nya .
Atau lebih dikenali sebagai over confident .

Nak tau why i said like that haa ?
Oh yeaaa , yang terover confident nya when I answer section B question .
About karangan berpandu .

Normally karangan berpandu ni have to write ONLY 120 words .
But this time I have to write about 150-200 words .
Damn ! 
Dapat je paper terus tengok isi , oh senangnya pasal punca pencemaran alam sekitar .

Zassssss ...

Siap !

... 2 minutes later

" zam , kau buat berapa words ? "
" 123 words , asal ? " * dengan confident nya aku jawab *
" weyy ! kan 150-200 . Kau tak baca arahan eh ? "

Pap ! 

Macam kena tampar oii !
Berpinar mata aku .
Terus takada mood .
Pergi toilet nangis sekejap .
Ha ha ha padan muka kau , tu laa siapa suruh tak baca soalan .
Kan dah menyesal ?

Hm hm , hopefully paper 1 boleh support ah >< 
Pray for tomorrow , English and sejarah . Okayy :')

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Template by : Farisyaa Awayy
Basecode by : Nurynn
Full Edited : asyaa